It's been a completely crazy month! I think it's been three weeks since I posted a blog. We've all been ridiculously tired; I think we've had some sort of virus. We haven't felt sick exactly; but besides being tired, our throats have been hurting at least two weeks. Sarah and I both started to wonder if we have Mono. I've had it before, about 13 years ago; and I don't ever need it again!
Also, my sister's husband has been in the hospital for three weeks. And the hospital he's been in is an hour away, so I've gone with her a few times to see him. He got moved to a nursing home just 10 minutes away today so he can gain enough strength for a surgery he has to have. It's been rough on everyone.
Several days ago, Sarah knocked over a dish of really small lego pieces and some of them went down the heat vent, so she and Sam took the cover off to go rescue them. While they were looking, they found a lego piece that Sam has wanted but is always out of stock when he tried to buy it. There used to be boys living in this house and apparently they played with legos in the same place Sam does!
Then they decided to look in all the vents to see if there were any more or anything else good, and they found this coin. Sarah looked it up online and it looks like it's Korean. We know a couple people from Korea at church, so I think we'll need to ask them if they know for sure.

Yesterday we had a very nice Thanksgiving with my parents. My dad LOVES to cook, and he's been making Thanksgiving dinner ever since they got married (they had their 60th anniversary in September). He always makes way more food than anyone can possibly eat, and we all have tons of leftovers to take home. We love it, but it is a ton of work for him. So this year, after years of trying to get him to scale it down, he finally made less food! And he got chickens instead of a turkey, which I think was much easier. He even consented to having canned green beans. That's a big deal, because he's like a gourmet cook, only homestyle. And I got my mom to use paper plates! They've been tired too, so we were all thankful for less work this time. So fun!

Today we went back over to help them rake leaves (Sarah got to use the leaf blower) and move a huge free-standing closet into the house. I guess I should call it an armoire, but it's more like me to call it a closet. Dad made it for Mom. He loves to make things with wood. He's made furniture for several of us. Cabinets and bookshelves. He made all my bookshelves, and I love them so much! He also put an addition onto their house when they bought it. He's very handy!
So this thing was so gigantic that they had a bunch of trouble getting it through the house. They had almost made it to where it was going, when it wouldn't fit through the doorway by an inch or so. They actually had to remove the framing to get it through. But it's in place now, and it's never going anywhere. We all decided it stays with the house!
Just under three weeks until Wilson and Kamille come for Christmas! We cannot wait. I don't know how I'll make it. I've been wanting to think of some cute name for myself instead of Grandma, so the grandmas can be distinguished more easily, and we finally settled on Grammy. Eliza started saying people's names this week, and it's absolutely adorable when she says Grandma, but it's going to be even cuter to me when she says Grammy! Rachel thinks it sounds like a grumpy old lady. I told her that's Granny, but maybe I should spell it Grammie. Does it look more fun that way?
See you next time!