So one of the commitments for my starting your business class was to sell something. I don't have anything to sell, so I decided to offer some free homeschool coaching. And some people actually said yes! I started at the end of last week, and I love it so much. I might have to consider this for a business after all. I even thought of another book to write--of course. It's a homeschool coaching manual. I added it to my growing list.
I have had terrible migraines this week and last, but I'm finally vertical tonight. I think the barometer was crazy high yesterday, but I started feeling better right when a big storm broke. I didn't even think it was supposed to rain. Anyway, today has been very slow too--like I didn't do anything. But my headache is almost gone. I wish I could stay up all night because going to bed will bring it back. But if I do that, I'll fall asleep tomorrow and it'll come back anyway.
Sarah didn't actually do NaNoWriMo last month. I wasn't too shocked by that, since I was making her. It's one thing to make them do a small writing assignment, but it's not that effective to try to make them write a novel. Ha! I guess we'll just move on to a research project after Christmas. I hope she can find a topic she likes and doesn't need to change three times. She's so fickle!
Sam's doing constant research and telling me about it, so I don't know how much I should have him write about anything. It shuts him down so much, but I know he needs to do it. I wish I could just record his voice and type things up for him, but he doesn't want to be recorded in any way. Ever. Not video, not by me writing what he says, not audio, not by his own writing. He just likes conversation!
I ordered him the Life of Fred Statistics book today. I think he's excited. I told him it was a college book, but you don't have to know any more algebra than he knows already. I'm not sure how that's going to play out. But I can't wait to get it. Fred finally turns 6!
Wilson and Kamille are coming next Wednesday! I can't stand the excitement. Eliza's starting to say Grandma! Actually, I'm planning on having her call me Grammy so the grandmas will be distinguished from each other. I can't wait to have them around for 10 whole days. I wish it was longer! She's going to love putting up the Christmas tree!!
See you next time!