Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Day 86

We sorted through some of the books for the rearranging of shelves today. We moved another bookshelf into the living room and filled it, and we moved a lot of books from one shelf to another. Tomorrow we'll have to bring down all that fun stuff for the big shelf. We also put a chair in Sam's room for Kamille to nurse the baby while they're here. She told us that Eliza tasted baby applesauce today for the first time. She seemed to like it but couldn't figure out how to get it to the back of her mouth to swallow. Also, Wilson ate more of it than Eliza. He's always loved baby food fruit. He's such a kid!

We're pretty excited that we'll be able to feed her when they come if they continue the baby food. They've waited this long to try to avoid food allergies, since they run in our family. So I don't know if they just got a wild hair today or if they're planning on giving her food now. She definitely looks interested in their food when they eat.

I gave Sam three random words from a book today and had him write sentences with the words in them. When Wilson was younger, I had him write spelling sentences and he always made them as short as humanly possible. I had to eventually tell him each sentence had to have a certain number of words in it. Something like 8 or 11. So I told Sam that Wilson was like that, but I wasn't going to do that to him unless he wrote three word sentences. He ended up writing five or six lines for each word. It was like a story for each instead of a sentence. I was impressed.

So tonight I asked him if he'd mind if I took those sentences and correct his punctuation and stuff, or if that would bother him because they say it can discourage kids if you correct their writing too much. He said he didn't care, but I think I'll type them out first and see what mistakes he catches by seeing it in print instead of his own writing where he knows exactly what he meant. It's a good strategy to type out their writing. I think it's easier for them to find mistakes because they're used to seeing printed material with correct punctuation and spelling.

Sam spent a ton of time today building the Lighthouse Siege lego set out of his own bricks. He was excited to do it because he has a most of the parts he needed to duplicate it. We never buy sets because we don't like spending money, but he does a great job of building something based on the pictures. He also looks up the building instructions sometimes to see exactly how to do it. I think that's more satisfying than just getting a set, even though those are fun too. He's so thorough when he explains what all the functions are and how he made them. I told him he should do a designer video about it like they do on the lego website, but he doesn't like being recorded so he's not about to do that. I can never get him to say anything on our youtube videos either, and he usually turns around and leaves when I even point the camera at him. He said he'd rather do a stop action video. Maybe he could do one with this lighthouse and I'll put it on youtube.

Sarah's been doing an assignment from her science book about weather. She needs to keep a chart of temperature, barometric pressure, precipitation and cloud cover for a few weeks. It's kind of fun for her. We especially like to look up the barometric pressure and see what it is when we have headaches. Sometimes we've looked at a weather website that has predictions for migraines. I don't like looking that up unless I have one already, so I don't have to think about getting one before I actually do.

See you tomorrow!

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