Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Day 104--A Reason to Learn

I've mentioned finding real reasons to learn to do things. I think about this a lot in relation to writing, even though I know it works for most other things too. Rachel rewarded me for my thinking by telling me something about herself today. Actually, I knew this thing, but I hadn't put it into these words before.

We were talking about sending her book to Wilson to go over before we publish it. We were saying that even if we waited until after it was published to have him read it, he would find things to change--he reads like an editor whenever he reads, like me. So then, we went on to talk about how Wilson and I are both like that; but I said when I read a regular published book, I don't notice myself doing that.

Rachel said she has noticed herself being more like that since she's been editing her book. She also said that before this, she wouldn't notice changes that needed to be made in her own writing. That's the part I guess I knew, looking back. Also, she was recognizing the help that will be to her because of starting college in the fall.

I love the process! You will do what you need to do, and you will learn what you need to learn. My responsibility as a homeschool mom is to create the need to do and to learn. For example, at times in our house, we have each person's name on a cup, plate and bowl. They are not allowed to touch anyone else's dishes, and their dishes will only be clean if they wash them. So a need is created. Necessity is the mother of action as well as invention.

When we're hungry, we eat; when we're tired, we sleep; when we need to use the bathroom, we find one! Why wouldn't we be interested in using this principle in our learning and teaching? Now if I could only figure out how to create a need to learn algebra!

See you tomorrow!

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