Saturday, September 23, 2017

Day 178--Tennis in the Dark

I was too tired to write a blog last night after we went to play late tennis. It was only 9:30 when we got home, but I've been wiped out lately. We've never played in the dark before. Well there were lights on the courts.

But it was definitely dark out! After we pulled into the parking lot, a police car came in and parked not far from us as we were walking toward the courts. I thought we should slow down in case they wanted to talk to us. After all, there wasn't another soul there. (The sign says you can play tennis until 10:00) So we slowed down a bit, and the policeman hopped out of the car and went directly to the bathroom! Kind of a relief for all of us.

Since I didn't write about yesterday yesterday, I can't remember much of what I would have written if I had written yesterday. Isn't repetitiveness fun? 

We started reading An Old Fashioned Girl together. It's been a long time since I've read it, and both the girls have read it. I think Sam will like it though; he seems to identify with the 14 yr old fun-loving brother. Imagine that.

We got Rachel's Happy Light, and she's been sitting in front of it for a while each morning. I wonder if she needs to increase the time just a little. I'm not sure she's noticed much difference yet. It had started to get cold and she felt like her SAD was setting in, but then it got hot and sunny again so she's not so bad. 

I've been feeling so tired ever since Sam and Sarah have been getting a ride to Seminary each morning. I think I worry about it in my sleep. You know, about them getting up on time and being ready when they get picked up. When it's just them leaving with Rachel, I guess I don't worry about that. So I've been waking up at 5:30 before their alarm goes off and again at 6:00 when they leave and 7:00 when they get back. It kind of wears me out. Rachel has to take them a few times next week; so I'm hoping with the Happy Light, she'll be better and she can continue taking them. Then I can sleep all the way through. Because you know, I like to stay up at night writing or reading. I can't give that up.

See you next time!

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