Monday, October 2, 2017

Day 181

This is a screenshot from our video chat with Wilson and Kamille Sunday. Eliza likes to sit and read books, and I love the way she's got her little hands on the page. Looks like she's concentrating. This only lasted for a minute, but it's longer than it used to be. She used to just sit down and flip furiously through the pages. Of course, this is what it looks like her parents are doing when they read, so she does what she sees. So clever!

We watched all of General Conference over the weekend. It was so good! It always is. Here's everyone on the couch getting ready to watch. We like to take notes on the talks and tonight for Family Home Evening, we told each other what our favorite parts were. One of my favorites was that you can't progress without effort. I think I need to work on my level of effort!

We watched some cooking lessons on the Great Courses today. They were about sautéing and roasting--my two favorite cooking methods. I love cooking shows. I used to watch them all morning long on Saturdays on pbs, when we had a tv. That was so many years ago. I don't even know how long it's been since we had a tv. At least 10 or 11 years. We've actually not had one more than we've had one during our 28 years of marriage. Or sometimes we would just put it in a closet and only get it out once in a while. I wouldn't want to have one now!

I made a list of steps for solving equations so Sam could keep it straight what he's supposed to do and when. He used it today, and I think it was better. Now to do that a thousand more times. Sarah didn't do math today because of a headache. She and I have both had one for a couple days. Maybe it's going to rain or something.

Here are the kids in the sandbox after school today. Sometimes they might be embarrassed to play in the sand; but I told them not to be, because adults go to the beach to play all the time and nobody thinks that's strange!

See you next time!

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