Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Day 179--Just when you think you have it right

Today Sam declared he couldn't understand any of his science. I don't think he dislikes the book, and I think he was understanding it before. I just think he's lost his focus for it. Maybe he's not getting enough sleep, and I know he's not getting enough physical activity lately. I've been so tired, and we've all been kind of sluggish. I'd love for it to be more fascinating to him. He really is quite willing to be interested in tons of things. If I could boil science down to statistics, he'd have no problem focusing on it.

I looked through the Great Courses list of classes to see what could take the place of his book, and there are several. I just don't know if that's the way to do it or not. I'll have to watch a few. Some of them are just not that exciting for a 14 yr old.

I think I need to do something different with his math too. He insists he has to take Algebra 1 this year or be behind. (I don't believe in "behind") It's hard for him to remember what to do at all. Algebra is so abstract. There doesn't seem to be any reason to do the things you do. And I can't get him past, "I'll never need this in real life." or "What good is it anyway? Let's just get it done." Ugh!

Rachel won a poetry contest today! She wrote a poem about learning about having faith like Esther in the Bible. It's called As Esther Saw. It's going to be published in an online magazine that's aimed at encouraging teenage girls in their faith. The poem was really great! I'll put a link to it when it comes out. I think it'll be two or three weeks. She won a gift card to a modest online clothes shop. They have some pretty cute stuff.

I'm thinking seriously about starting an online magazine about homeschooling. I'd love to get a few other moms to help me do it, and have other people writing posts regularly. I think it would be totally fun, don't you? Maybe even do some podcasts. I'm not sure about facebook live though. I always get so nervous when I'm live. I like recording things and then being able to edit. Editing is my thing, you know!

See you next time!

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