Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Day 124

I decided to teach Rachel the maneuverability stuff for getting her driver's license, so she called and asked the BMV if she could practice there where they do the tests. They said they used to have people do that, but they kept having their cones stolen so they took them in at night. We thought we could probably just go down there and use them during business hours and if it looked like someone needed to do their test, we'd just get out of the way.

So we went all the way there (it's at least 20 minutes away), and there those cones sat unused and ready for us. But there were big white signs at the entrance, "DO NOT ENTER." I figured we better not enter. The driving schools near here don't have cones set up. There's one pretty far away that has them set up, but I don't know if they'll let us use them either. I can't help but think they could just make the cones permanent at the BMV and leave them there for people to practice with. Do you seriously have to pay for driver's training to be allowed to use any cones? I can totally teach my kids to drive. I've been doing it a very long time.

We started reading the Lamb's Tales Much Ado About Nothing. We're planning on reading the play when we're done with that. Sam and Sarah openly admitted they weren't listening. I was reading in bed, but still. I've never read this one, so I only know what it says on the back of the play. I haven't read a whole play aloud to them before. I've tried but never could figure out the best way. Should I give them parts? I only have one copy. Should we pass it around and take turns reading the parts? That sounds like a mess. Seems like it would be boring if I said who was speaking each time. Maybe I should just get more copies and assign parts. They would probably remember it better if they "played" a character anyway. Maybe even understand it better too. And it just might be more interesting that way. They think the stories are a little messed up. Bad homeschool children.

See you tomorrow!

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