Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Day 115--What's That Candy Like?

Yesterday, Rachel went to a Valentine's Day dinner with other 16-18 year olds at church. It was pretty cute. They all made little boxes and brought Valentine cards for each other like in second grade, remember? I haven't been to school in a very long time, so I didn't know that everyone includes candy with their Valentines now. We printed hearts on a couple sheets of paper and taped them to an oatmeal box, then we just printed little hearts that said, "Happy Valentine's Day, from Rachel." We're not crafty.

Anyway, she came home with the thing full of candy--none of which any of us can eat. So today, they wanted to unwrap and break apart all the candy to see what it was like. We've had food allergies and sensitivities for a very long time. It's been 13 years since Rachel ate processed sugar and almost as many years for the rest of us. So Sam and Sarah especially have no idea what candy is like. We thought the Nerds Rope was pretty fun. Nerds stuck to some kind of gooey jelly-bean type stringy thing. I've never seen one, but we told Wilson about it and he said he's had them. I'd think that's pretty yummy. I remember liking Nerds. They thought the chocolate smelled awful. None of them have ever had any of that at all. We stopped eating chocolate way before we stopped sugar. I think it's been 19 years since I had chocolate.

They melted a BlowPop to see the gum inside, and Sam said, "Why would you chew on something you aren't going to swallow?" To which Sarah added, "What a waste of time!" We spend a lot of time on food around here; we don't want to waste any on non-food chewables!

Sarah decided to do her paper on how the barometric pressure correlates to how people feel--migraines, sluggishness, sadness, etc. It should be interesting. All I know is that when the pressure is changing, I'm miserable. I just wish there was something we could do about it.

See you tomorrow!

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