Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Day 121

I'm writing this blog to show everyone what our homeschool days are like, what a real homeschool family does; but most of the time, I don't actually talk about what we've done for "school" on any given day. I guess it's because it would sound like this: Sam finished his science study guide, Rachel did Algebra 2, Sarah did a science experiment, blah, blah, blah.

I could say that Rachel's math today was working on some complicated formula I know nothing about and she totally memorized it. She rattled it off (forever) while I stood there with my mouth hanging open. I could say that Sam's study guide was about the human body. He had to tell the two main functions of hair, which I can't remember right now, and the two functions of sweat, which I'd rather not talk about right now (something about feeding the bacteria that live on our skin).

I could say that Sam helped Sarah with her science experiment. They got a water bottle and put vinegar in it and put it on its side. Then they filled a foil trough with baking soda and slid it inside to float on the vinegar. Then they stopped the bottle with play dough and rolled it over so the baking soda and vinegar would mix. It was supposed to blow the play dough off and push the bottle backwards because every action has an equal and opposite reaction. Do you think that worked? Does that ever work? Do any experiments ever work? Not at our house.

But all those things aren't most of what we do. The academic stuff we do for school doesn't take up that much time most days. And that would sound the same every day anyway. I'd rather talk about the fun activity we did tonight with the teenagers at church. They got 7 parents to dress up in disguises and hang around at the store. Then the kids got into groups of 5 or 6 and went looking for the parents and got them to sign a paper saying they were found. Where's Waldo. It was a ton of fun, but at first I was so embarrassed to go in there looking not like myself. I had on one of Jeff's sweaters and a knitted scarf and a winter hat, but I must be really vain because I was mortified. Well, I don't want to say vain; I mean I don't usually even wear makeup. I just don't like looking funny. I got over it though (sort of).

They say our house is closing on Monday! I'll believe it when it happens. I'm not sure of all the reasons for the extreme delay; I just hope it's for real this time. After that we can start making decisions about what to do next. Our lease is up in May, and we'd like to find a house to buy by that time. I'm just not sure where to buy it. We do have some different options as far as cities, because Jeff could just change locations for work, but I don't know if we'll actually leave here. We've been here so long. I just know I want a little bit of property, because I'm dying to plant some vegetables!

See you tomorrow!

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