Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Day 109

Rachel and I edited for a while today. We cut and cut and cut. I think we cut out about six pages worth of stuff. And we're only on page nine. Well, it's nine now. I don't know what page that stuff was on when we started. Actually some of what we cut was alternative beginnings. She had tried out two or three ways to start off, but I think we're happy with the way it is now. It jumps right into the middle of the story now.

Rachel settled on her research topic too. She's going to do a project about how writing affects your health. Wilson's actually doing the same project at college this semester for a research credit. Rachel didn't know that when she chose what to do. Aren't they cute? Picking the same thing. So I had him send her his proposal for the project so she can see what that looks like for a college student. Also, he sent her some articles about it. It should be fun. We're excited. Now Sam and Sarah need to choose what they're doing exactly.

I started reading Streams to the River, River to the Sea yesterday. It started out kind of violent and gross, but I think it's going to be interesting. We'll see how everyone likes it. As you know, we haven't had too much luck with liking the books I've picked this year.

I've been trying to get up a little earlier this week, so we can get something more done before lunch. It's been ok so far, but that usually doesn't last me long. After not many days, I normally need to sleep in. I've been trying not to stay up too late though, so maybe that'll help. But I'm not feeling like going to sleep tonight. Second shift hours would be good for me; they just aren't good for anyone else. Maybe I can nudge back the time that my brain comes to life. Maybe I can get it to be before 10:30pm!

See you tomorrow!

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