Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Day 101

I'm thinking quick post tonight. It's midnight after all. I didn't take any notes about our day today, and after school we went to see my brother Scott again. So my memory of school is wiped out. The kids got educated by Scott tonight, though. He loves to say things that you're not sure if he really believes or not. Or if you're sure he doesn't, he likes to convince you that he really does. He's got the kids thinking he might actually think the earth is flat!

I can't believe he would think that, but he insists that he does. So I was telling the kids that there's no way he thinks the world is flat, and Sarah said, "But you're not really sure are you?" I guess you never can know for sure what someone else is truly thinking. He had them going with all kinds of scientific theories and questions. It was pretty funny. I just listened and worked on dinner. Tomorrow, we're going to go see our great aunt who is very cute and fun. I'm sure she must be 90. My grandma and all her sisters were fun--kind of silly in a fun way. Well, I think there was one that was pretty serious.

Oh, I know something we did for school today. We planned. I wrote all the things the kids have to finish by the end of the year and figured out how much of each they would have to do every week to get done. You can't do that with everything, but we had several things we worked out. We also looked at everyone's semester grades. I don't give grades, but I use an umbrella school so they'll have diplomas at the end; and I have to report grades a couple times a year. They like seeing the grades because we never talk about them along the way. Yes, they get A's. I mean really, we work on everything until it's mastered. Who doesn't?

I guess that's it for now. It really was a quick post.

See you tomorrow!

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