Thursday, January 26, 2017

Day 106--Freewriting Fun

This week we've been in crazy-town! We had to have the car towed to the shop, had two doctor's appointments and a teeth cleaning, had to get a ride to the airport to pick up the other car so we wouldn't be trapped at home, had to get a different ride to pick up the car from the shop, gotten too little sleep, and I've been working on a very big, very important writing project that has a deadline. And I'm sure that's not half of it.

We did a freewrite today, and I decided we'd just write about what we were reading in the Bible this morning. It was in Luke 1, about when Mary goes to see Elizabeth when they're both pregnant. I don't want you to think we're irreverent, but we had to laugh at how some of it sounded. Sam read his first, and he was telling how Zacharius was made mute after he laughed at the news that Elizabeth would have a baby; and he said, "Mute button, I'm muting you." That's a quote from the movie Ramona and Beezus, in case you didn't catch it. So we had a good giggle. Sarah read hers next, and she said that Zacharius had been muted, which made us laugh even more about the mute button quote.

Rachel's made us laugh too, but I can't remember why. By the time I read mine, I was laughing so hard I was crying. Mine said, "Elizabeth's baby, John the Baptist, leapt in her womb." Now doesn't that make you want to laugh? Like he was already baptizing people. Don't worry, we don't laugh at the scriptures, but freewriting usually amuses us in some way.

We're almost finished reading Anne of Green Gables again. We're going to do a Think Piece question from Brave Writer's Boomerang issue for the book tomorrow. Kamille decided to read it too, but she's only on page 18. She's never read it; I think she'll love it. I told her I would send her a Think Piece question when she's done, because she likes homework. She's so fun.

See you tomorrow!

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