Friday, January 13, 2017

Day 102--Ever Have a Terrible Day?

Ok, I like to keep my blog positive and not post about too many problems, but today was really hard.

I've been going to bed too late this week, so I may have been a bit grumpy because of that; but when Jeff got home today he said something sort of insensitive without realizing it and I blew up. I told him all about why he shouldn't have said that; the poor guy. I think he was just trying to "fix the problem" for me, but it was definitely not what I needed him to say. So we had this huge emotional conversation, and I cried.

Then it was time to walk out the door to my dad's 81st birthday dinner. So we went and when we got there, my brother was lying on the couch with a fever. Both my parents and my brother had been throwing up last week, and we have done all we can to avoid getting it here (it's going around). So I was thinking maybe we should leave, and I still felt like crying. He went to another room while we had our celebration, but that was kind of sad.

No school today. Although I was listening to Julie Bogart the other day and she was talking about how everything that goes on is school. I know that, and I've always lived that and I even advise others of that. But they still have to learn math! I always say math because that's the one that kills us. I guess it's that way all through life isn't it?

So was there any learning today? I guess I don't know. I boiled several pounds of pinto beans for the burritos we had for my dad's dinner. We figured out that taping a towel on the microwave above the boiling pot (to keep the steam from condensing and dripping into the pot) wouldn't work because it would fall off when the tape got wet with steam. So we draped a towel over the pot and got a little steam burned moving it. I guess we might have learned from that.

Sam was able to get a couple additions to a stop action movie app on the iPad. Then he figured out how to start using it. The girls both were writing stories before going to sleep; that's very valuable. Rachel did some editing on her book. Jeff learned something he should probably never say to me. Maybe there are other things, but none of them are math! I guess I'll get over it since everyone's asleep now anyway.

See you next week; it'll be better!

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