Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Day 3

I was waiting with some other moms tonight, and one of them asked another if she had some kids in high school. Here was the answer, "Well, I do and I don't. I'm homeschooling my son." What? Last week someone asked my new 9th grader if she was going in to high school and immediately answered their own question with: "Oh no you're not, you're homeschooled."

Now I've been homeschooling 18 years. I'm starting on my 8th year of having children in high school-- at home. Yes, they are in high school! I've never heard of this not being in high school if you're homeschooled before. Is this a new thing? Do you know? Leave a comment if you have some insight for me. But no matter what you tell me, I'm still saying my kids are in high school.

I have had a terrible headache today. I get migraines regularly, and it puts a kink in our learning. The kids have tons of things they can do without me, but it always feels like they aren't getting anything done. They all did their science without me. We use Apologia. Rachel doesn't usually need anything from me with science, and Sarah's good a lot of the time. Sam too, but I usually have him talk to me about what he's reading and we go over the questions together.

Sam and I talk a lot! He hates writing--physically writing. I was going to say he hates putting his pen to the paper, but he loves to draw (with a pen). I wonder what's so terrible about writing. I'll have to work on that.

Of course, today Sarah had to review unit conversions in her science book. She hasn't done them for a couple months, and they are HARD! I was no help, so she watched the video explanation a few times, stopping to write every step. I'm not sure if she ever got it straight. I told her she needs to learn it; but if she didn't really get it, she could still be a successful adult. I didn't understand unit conversions until a year or two ago, and I've been perfectly happy. I don't want anyone in my house to feel like they can just let things slip if they're hard, but stressing stops us from learning. I've seen it too many times.

So relax.

Here's my picture for the day. It's my son, Wilson and his sweet little family.

See you tomorrow!

By the way, if you need some help with writing in your homeschool, check out
We'll relieve some of that stress!

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